虚拟化 频道


  【IT168 资讯】来自Briefing.com的消息,据称Oracle正在和Citrix谈判收购事宜。看上去这个传闻是靠谱的,OracleVM和Sun xVM都是Xen技术,但是RH转向KVM,Xen则由Critrix控制。现在还很难预测Oracle今后会选择什么样子的虚拟化技术,但是使用虚拟化技术是一个不争的事实。这样活着面临被RH控制,或者自己控制局面。猜想像Oracle这样的大公司还是会选择后者。当年Citrix花费500M收购XenSource,现在市值是7.7B,不知道Oracle能否搞定。Oracle的目标就是IBM了!


  That Oracle would be interested in buying Citrix is totally plausible. Oracle has its own implementation of the open source Xen hypervisor, which was based largely on the work done by Red Hat as it commercialized Xen in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5. When it became clear that Red Hat was going to shift to the KVM hypervisor when it  bought Qumranet for $107m in September 2008, Oracle looked around for another set of Xen tools and  snapped up Virtual Iron, which had its own variation on the Xen theme. But in August 2007 Citrix  bought XenSource, the controller of the Xen project, for $500m – a very large sum for a company that had only $1m in sales at the time.

  Oracle likes to be in control, as it soon will be with Java, so why not with x64-based server virtualization as well as application streaming and desktop virtualization? Oracle is a good fit for Citrix. But then again, Novell and Citrix could also merge.

  From http://www.channelregister.co.uk/2009/12/28/oracle_citrix_rumor/

