任务H:打开Welcome Message的显示
" 以Woodgrovebank\Administrator的身份,口令Passw0rd!登录到BAL-GW-01,来开始本任务
1. 点击Start接着在Search programs and files中键入Notepad并且接着按ENTER.
2. 键入"Authorized Use Only" 并且接着讲该文件保存为c:\Message.txt.
3. 切换到RD Gateway Manager Console并且点击BAL-GW-01 (Local), 并且接着在Actions pane中点击Properties.
4. 点击Messaging标签.
5. 勾选Enable logon message.
6. 点击Browse.
7. 定位到c:\Message.txt并且接着点击Open.
8. 点击OK.
9. 切换到WAS-CLI-01.
10. 点击 Microsoft Office Word 2007.
" 注意Gateway Server已经被列在了连接属性当中
11. 点击Connect.
12. 在Windows Security对话框中,以Woodgrovebank\Donhall 身份登录,使用口令Passw0rd!
13. 点击I understand and agree to the terms of this policy 并且接着点击OK.