任务A:验证 File Server Cluster Connectivity
" 登陆计算机 BAL-DC-01
" 用户名 Woodgrovebank\Administrator, 密码 Passw0rd!
1. 在Start menu,在 Search中输入 \\ClusterFS.woodgrovebank.com\auditing 然后 敲击 ENTER.
2. 验证 Windows Explorer 打开并且显示 Auditing 文件夹的内容.
Auditing folder 是空的.
" 登陆计算机 BAL-DC-01
" 用户名 Woodgrovebank\Administrator, 密码 Passw0rd!
" 开启 Failover Cluster Manager 管理界面.
1. 在Failover Cluster Manager, 展开 Services and Applications, 单击 ClusterFS.
2. 在contents pane,查看 Current Owner.
3. 在 Actions pane, 指向 Move this service or application to another node 然后 单击 Move to node BAL-NODE-01.
4. 在Please confirm action dialog box, 单击 Move ClusterFS to BAL-NODE-01.
" In some situations, the current owner value may be different. If the current owner value is BAL-NODE-01, then move the service to BAL-NODE-02. Once this process is complete, move the service back to BAL-NODE-01 to complete the remaining tasks.
" When the current owner value changes to the other node, the cluster has failed over.
5. 在 Windows Explorer的 Auditing folder上, 按 F5 刷新验证你能访问集群资源.
" 登陆计算机 BAL-DC-01
" 用户名 Woodgrovebank\Administrator, 密码 Passw0rd!
" 开启 Failover Cluster Manager 管理界面.
1. 在 Failover Cluster Manager,浏览到 Cluster.woodgrovebank.com/Services and Applications 然后 单击 ClusterFS.
2. 在 contents pane,查看 Current Owner.
3. 切换到 BAL-NODE-01 and ensure you are logged on to BAL-NODE-01 as Woodgrovebank\Administrator with a password of Passw0rd!
4. 在Start menu的Search 栏中, type CMD 然后 按回车.
5. 在命令提示符中, type shutdown /t 0 /r /f 然后按ENTER.
6. 切换到 BAL-DC-01 上浏览 Failover Cluster Manager. 查看服务自动切换到BAL-NODE-02了.
" This automatic failover may take several minutes.